§ 24-8-10 - Improvement or reconstruction of railroad crossings.
SECTION 24-8-10
§ 24-8-10 Improvement or reconstruction ofrailroad crossings. The director of transportation shall have the power and authority to improvewith automatic protection devices or by relocating or rebuilding existinghighway-railroad crossings at grade, or by reconstructing existing railroad andhighway separation structures, if the improvements, rebuilding, orreconstruction will increase the safety of the crossings and highway, or mayeliminate the crossings at grade by the adjustment of track and highway levelsand by the construction of separation structures and connecting roadwayssuitably located to serve all affected properties, and by closing the highwaysat existing crossings so served, subject to approval of the railroadauthorities and the public utilities and carriers administration as provided inchapters 1 9 of title 39. For railroad-highway crossings not on thestate highway system, the improvements, construction, reconstruction, orclosing shall also be subject to the approval of the town or city in which thework is to be performed.