§ 24-8-1.3 - Definitions.
SECTION 24-8-1.3
§ 24-8-1.3 Definitions. (a) "Arterial" means a public road that provides a high level of travelservices for a long, uninterrupted distance.
(b) "Major collector" means a public road that provides aservice to built up areas of towns and traffic generators of regionalimportance and not directly served by arterials.
(c) "Municipal roads" means any public road not designated asa state road either under the statute or under the functional classificationguidelines.
(d) "Pavement management program" includes resurfacing,striping and signing; minor drainage improvements, minor guardrailimprovements, crack sealing, chip sealing, retaining wall repair, sidewalk andcurb repair. The program shall also include educational activities, trainingprograms, research grants, and such technical assistance as can be provided bymaximizing the use of state education resources.
(e) "Rhode Island highway system" means all public roadsincluding both state roads and municipal roads.
(f) "Rural" means an area not included in the boundary of anurban area.
(g) "State roads" means all public roads classified asarterials and major collectors, except urban minor arterials located in theeight (8) cities of Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Newport,Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick, and Woonsocket.
(h) "Urban" means an area so designated for purposes ofhighway functional classification, based on criteria as established by the U.S.Bureau of the Census.