§ 24-5-8 - General duties of surveyors of highways.

SECTION 24-5-8

   § 24-5-8  General duties of surveyors ofhighways. – Every surveyor of highways shall execute the directions given to the surveyorby the town council or the committee thereof as provided for in this chapter,and shall purchase and use such materials and employ such personnel, teams, androad making apparatus as may be necessary therefor at the rates of compensationfixed by the town council. The surveyor shall keep himself or herself informedas to the condition of all the highways in the surveyor's district, takingparticular care to do so immediately after all storms and freshets, and shallseasonably communicate such information to the town council or to the committeethereof having care of his or her district; and it shall be the surveyor'sduty, in case of sudden and unforeseen damage to any highway or bridge, toimmediately repair the damage at the expense of the town so that it will besafe and passable, without instruction or direction from the town council orcommittee.