§ 24-5-2 - Division of towns into districts Election and terms of surveyors.
SECTION 24-5-2
§ 24-5-2 Division of towns into districts Election and terms of surveyors. The town council of each town shall divide the town into highway districts notexceeding four (4) in number, or shall constitute the entire town one highwaydistrict, and shall annually elect one surveyor of highways for each highwaydistrict, and fix his or her compensation; provided, however, that in the townof South Kingstown the powers and duties of surveyors of highways shall vest inthe town council and the town shall not be required to elect surveyors ofhighways, and provided further that in the town of Smithfield there shall beone highway district which shall constitute the entire town, and one highwaycommissioner who shall be elected and be compensated and hold office asprovided in Public Laws 1930, chapter 1675; the highway commissioner to performthe duties of highway surveyor in the town and have all the power and authorityand be subject to all the duties now pertaining to the office of highwaysurveyors elected by the town councils under the laws of the state. Surveyorsof highways so elected shall hold their offices until the next annual financialtown meeting of the town and thereafter until their successors are elected.Vacancies occurring from any cause may be filled by the town council, and thetown council may remove from office any surveyor of highways elected by them attheir pleasure.