§ 24-5-14 - Snow and ice removal.

SECTION 24-5-14

   § 24-5-14  Snow and ice removal. – The several towns shall provide by ordinance in a manner and under suchpenalties as they may deem expedient, for removing snow from the publichighways so as to render the public highways passable with teams, sleds, andsleighs; but nothing contained in this chapter shall be so construed as torender any town or city liable for any injury to person or property caused bysnow or ice obstructing any or any part of the highways therein, unless noticein writing of the existence of the particular obstruction shall have been givento the surveyor of highways within whose district the obstruction exists, atleast twenty-four (24) hours before the injury was caused, and the town orsurveyor shall not thereupon within twenty-four (24) hours of notification havecommenced the removal of the obstruction, or caused any sidewalk which may havebeen obstructed by ice to be rendered passable, by spreading ashes or otherlike substances thereon. Whenever any highway is blocked up or encumbered withsnow, the surveyor shall cause so much thereof to be removed or trod down as torender the highway passable.