§ 24-3-5 - Commissioners' estimate and report.
SECTION 24-3-5
§ 24-3-5 Commissioners' estimate andreport. The commissioners shall cause a survey and plat of the proposed alteration tobe made; and shall cause notice to be given to all persons interested in thelands to be taken or in the improvement to be made, and to all persons who areowners of lands which, in the opinion of the commissioners, will be benefitedby the proposed alterations, of the time and place of making an estimate of thevalue of the property so required to be taken, and of the special benefits tobe conferred by making the alterations; and at the time and place appointed inthe notice, the commissioners shall proceed to make a just estimate of theamount of the damage occasioned to the respective owners, lessees, parties, orpersons entitled to or interested in the lands taken for the alteration, andalso a just estimate of the value of the special benefits, if any, causedthereby, to the several owners of lands not required for the proposedimprovements, but which will, in the opinion of the commissioners, be benefitedthereby; and the commissioners shall report thereon to the town council or citycouncil without unnecessary delay. The commissioners shall set forth in thereport the names of the owners of, and persons in any way interested in, any ofthe land taken for the proposed improvement, so far as the names can beascertained, and a description or designation of the several parcels thereof,with the damage and benefit to each respectively. The commissioners shallfurther apportion and assess a portion of the damage and cost of improvementsas the town or city council may have directed, ascertained as provided, uponthe owners of the estate so specially benefited, in proportion to the specialbenefits conferred; provided, that the amount of the assessment shall notexceed the amount of the special benefits, ascertained as provided.