§ 24-3-10 - Taking of possession by town Removal of crops and improvements.
SECTION 24-3-10
§ 24-3-10 Taking of possession by town Removal of crops and improvements. The town or city, after electing by the town or city council to make theimprovements as provided in § 24-3-9, shall become seized of all the landin the report mentioned that shall be required for making the improvements, intrust for use as a public highway. And the town or city may, by the person andat such time as the town council or city council shall order, take possessionof the land or any part thereof, without any process of law, and remove allbuildings and other impediments as the town council or city council shall orderand direct; provided, that the owner of the land shall have the right, withinthirty (30) days after the town or city council shall have elected to make theimprovements, or within such further time as the town council or city councilmay grant, to remove all crops, trees, buildings or other improvements thereon,for his or her own use and benefit.