§ 24-15-4 - Withdrawal of highways from scenic highways system.
SECTION 24-15-4
§ 24-15-4 Withdrawal of highways fromscenic highways system. After holding a public hearing, the director, or the governing body of anymunicipality as to any scenic highway (including a state highway) within itsborders, may apply to the board for, and the board itself may propose, theremoval of a highway from the scenic highway system. The board shall thereuponapprove or deny the removal of the highway from its designation as a scenichighway. Provided, however, that no application for removal of a highway orroad, or portion thereof, from the scenic highways system, shall be approvedunless the owners of a majority of the lineal lot frontage abutting the highwayor road agree to the removal by filing an application with the director orgoverning municipal body, within the sixty (60) days immediately preceding theapplication, a written statement or statements agreeing to the removal.