§ 24-12-51.1 - Former Jamestown Verrazano Bridge Public fishing area.
SECTION 24-12-51.1
§ 24-12-51.1 Former Jamestown VerrazanoBridge Public fishing area. (a) The directors of the department of transportation and department ofenvironmental management are hereby authorized and directed to retain thestate-owned land adjacent to the former Jamestown Bridge on the North Kingstownside of the former bridge for use as a public parking area and public shoreaccess site. The land so retained shall be open to the general public at nocharge, and shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities, and shallprovide the public with free and unfettered access to the shore and/or to anystructure built over the water, in accordance with subsection (b) below.
(b) The directors of the department of transportation anddepartment of environmental management are hereby authorized and directed togive due consideration to further development of the public shore access siteprovided for in this section, particularly with regard to recreational fishingopportunities. Such consideration shall include, but not be limited to, thepotential establishment of a public fishing pier, boat access, and/or park. Inpursuing further development of the site, the directors shall seek to maximizepublic use and enjoyment of the site, particularly with regard to fishingaccess. Any structures or facilities so developed shall be open to the generalpublic at no charge and shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary containedin any general or public law, rule or regulation, the state of Rhode Islandshall be responsible for maintenance and security of the site described in thissection.
(d) Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the directors of thedepartment of transportation and the department of environmental management arehereby authorized to limit public access to the site described in this section,between sunset and sunrise.