§ 24-10.1-1 - Declaration of policy.
SECTION 24-10.1-1
§ 24-10.1-1 Declaration of policy. In order to prevent unreasonable distraction of operators of motor vehicles, toprevent confusion with respect to compliance with traffic lights, signs,signals and regulations, to promote the safety, convenience, and enjoyment oftravel upon highways within this state and to protect the public investmenttherein, to preserve and enhance the natural scenic beauty or aestheticfeatures of the highways and adjacent areas, and in the general welfare of thepeople of this state, the general assembly declares it to be the policy of thisstate that the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising in areasadjacent to the rights-of-way of the interstate, primary, secondary roadsystems within this state shall be regulated in accordance with the terms ofthis chapter and the regulations promulgated by the director of transportationpursuant thereto and finds that all outdoor advertising which does not conformto the requirements of this chapter is a public nuisance. It is the intentionof the general assembly in this chapter to provide a statutory basis forregulation of outdoor advertising consistent with the public policy relating toareas adjacent to the interstate and primary highway systems as declared bycongress in title 23 of the United States Code, Highways. Further, the generalassembly declares the policy also to regulate other roads within the state.