§ 24-1-12 - Late filing of petition.
SECTION 24-1-12
§ 24-1-12 Late filing of petition. In case any owner of or any person having an estate or interest in realproperty shall fail to file his or her petition as provided in § 24-1-8,the superior court for the county in which the real property is situated, inits discretion, may permit the filing of the petition within one yearsubsequent to the year following the time of the deposit in the superior courtof the sum of money estimated to be just compensation for the property taken;provided, the person shall have had no actual knowledge of the taking of theland in season to file the petition; and provided, no other person or personsclaiming to own the real property or estate or interest therein shall have beenpaid the value thereof; and provided, no judgment has been rendered against thecity or town for the payment of the value to any other person or personsclaiming to own the real estate.