§ 24-1-1 - Authorization of condemnation.
SECTION 24-1-1
§ 24-1-1 Authorization of condemnation. Whenever the city council of any city or the town council of any town shalldetermine that the public interest and convenience makes necessary oradvantageous the acquisition of land or other real property, or any interest,estate, or right therein for the establishing, laying out, widening, extendingor relocating, regrading, straightening, or improving any public highway,street, parkway, or driftway, or to secure more suitable lines, grades orsafety, it may proceed to acquire the same by the exercise of eminent domain inthe manner prescribed in this chapter, provided that no real property orinterest, estate, or right therein belonging to the state shall be acquiredwithout its consent and no real property or interest, estate, or right thereinbelonging to or used by a public utility shall be acquired without the consentof the division of public utilities and carriers.