§ 23-81-2 - Legislative findings.
SECTION 23-81-2
§ 23-81-2 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared:
(a) The vast majority of Rhode Islanders believe thatquality, affordable health care should be available to all in our state;
(b) Our current health care crisis affects all facets ofRhode Island's economy, with a particular burden on small business owners,young people, and those approaching retirement;
(c) A majority of Rhode Islanders believe that the stategovernment has a significant role to play in solving this health care crisis;
(d) The current state health care infrastructure isfragmented with an array of state departments and offices carrying out healthcare planning, along with a myriad of private efforts, all with a lack ofcoordination;
(e) Because an essential component of health planning isresource allocation, there is a need to professionalize the health servicescouncil and revitalize the certificate of need process;
(f) Recognizing that many departments of state government areinvolved in the collection of data and information related to health care,health care outcomes, health care insurance, consumer behavior and trends, andthat accurate and accessible, collection and housing of this information isnecessary for the general assembly to enact useful health care policy;
(g) Rhode Island's small size makes us the perfect laboratoryto create a unified health care system, planned and coordinated with afunctioning public/private partnership, with broad representation of all of thehealth care stakeholders;
(h) The general assembly finds that the people of this statehave a fundamental interest in the establishment of a comprehensive strategichealth care planning process and the preparation, maintenance, andimplementation of plans to improve the quality, accessibility, portability, andaffordability of health care in Rhode Island; that the continued growth,viability and development of the health care infrastructure by the private andpublic sectors requires effective planning by the state; and that state andlocal plans and programs must be properly coordinated with the planningrequirements and programs of the federal government; and
(i) The coordinated health planning process should createusable and dynamic guidance that helps design a health care system and improvesthe health of Rhode Islanders.