§ 23-78.1-2 - Legislative findings.
SECTION 23-78.1-2
§ 23-78.1-2 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared as follows:
(1) The rapid identification, diagnosis, and treatment ofstroke can save the lives of stroke victims and in some cases can reverseneurological damage such as paralysis and speech and language impairments,leaving stroke victims with few or no neurological deficits;
(2) Despite significant advances in diagnosis, treatment andprevention, stroke is the third (3rd) leading cause of death and a leadingcause of disability; an estimated seven hundred eighty thousand (780,000) newand recurrent strokes occur each year in this country; and with the aging ofthe population, the number of persons who have strokes is projected to increase;
(3) This year in Rhode Island, more than three thousand(3,000) people will fall victim to a potentially treatable stroke and more thansix hundred (600) Rhode Islanders will die from stroke-related complications.This tragic loss of life and viability creates an annual financial burden forthe state of over three hundred twelve million dollars ($312,000,000) inmedical costs, supportive care, and lost productivity;
(4) Although new treatments are available to improve theclinical outcomes of stroke, some acute care hospitals may lack the necessarystaff and equipment to optimally triage and treat stroke patients, includingthe provision of optimal, safe and effective emergency care for these patients;
(5) An effective system to support stroke survival is neededin our communities in order to treat stroke patients in a timely manner and toimprove the overall treatment of stroke patients in order to increase survivaland decrease the disabilities associated with stroke. There is a public healthneed for acute care hospitals in this state to establish primary stoke centersto ensure the rapid triage, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of patientssuffering an acute stroke;
(6) Primary stroke centers should be established for thetreatment of acute stroke. Primary stroke centers should be established in asmany acute care hospitals as possible. These centers would evaluate, stabilizeand provide emergency and in patient care to patients with acute stroke; and
(7) That it is in the best interest of the residents of thisstate to establish a program to facilitate development of stroke treatmentcapabilities throughout the state. This program will provide specific patientcare and support services criteria that stroke centers must meet in order toensure that stroke patients receive safe and effective care. It is also in thebest interest of the people of this state to modify the state's emergencymedical response system to assure that acute stroke victims may be quicklyidentified and transported to and treated in facilities that have appropriateprograms for providing timely and effective treatment for stroke victims.
(8) For the purposes of pre-hospital transfer and triageclarification, an "acute stroke" is defined as any new-persistent focalneurological deficit determined to be less than six (6) hours since last seennormal.