§ 23-74-14 - Unlicensed health care client bill of rights.
SECTION 23-74-14
§ 23-74-14 Unlicensed health care clientbill of rights. (a) Scope. All unlicensed health care practitioners shall provide toeach unlicensed health care client prior to providing treatment a written copyof the unlicensed health care client bill of rights. A copy must also be postedin a prominent location in the office of the unlicensed health carepractitioner. Reasonable accommodations shall be made for those clients whocannot read or who have communication impairments and those who do not read orspeak English. The unlicensed health care client bill of rights shall includethe following:
(1) The name, unlicensed health care title, business address,and telephone number of the unlicensed health care practitioner;
(2) The degrees, training, experience, or otherqualifications of the practitioner regarding the unlicensed health care beingprovided, followed by the following statement in bold print:
"The state of Rhode Island has not adopted any educationaland training standards for unlicensed health care practitioners. This statementof credentials is for information purposes only.
Under Rhode Island law, an unlicensed health carepractitioner may not provide a medical diagnosis. If a client desires adiagnosis from a licensed physician, chiropractor, or acupuncture practitioner,or services from a physician, chiropractor, nurse, osteopath, physicaltherapist, dietician, nutritionist, acupuncture practitioner, athletic trainer,or any other type of health care provider, the client may seek such services atany time";
(3) The name, business address, and telephone number of thepractitioner's supervisor, if any;
(4) Notice that an unlicensed health care client has theright to file a complaint with the practitioner's supervisor, if any, and theprocedure for filing complaints;
(5) The name, address, and telephone number of the departmentand notice that a client may file complaints with the department;
(6) The practitioner's fees per unit of service, thepractitioner's method of billing for the fees, the names of any insurancecompanies that agreed to reimburse the practitioner, or health maintenanceorganizations with whom the practitioner contracts to provide service, whetherthe practitioner accepts Medicare, medical assistance, or general assistancemedical care, and whether the practitioner is willing to accept partialpayment, or to waive payment, and in what circumstances;
(7) A statement that the client has a right to reasonablenotice of changes in services or charges;
(8) A brief summary, in plain language, of the theoreticalapproach used by the practitioner in providing services to clients;
(9) Notice that the client has a right to complete andcurrent information concerning the practitioner's assessment and recommendedservice that is to be provided, including the expected duration of the serviceto be provided;
(10) A statement that clients may expect to be free fromverbal, physical, or sexual abuse by the practitioner;
(11) A statement that client records and transactions withthe practitioner are confidential, unless release of these records isauthorized in writing by the client, or otherwise provided by law;
(12) A statement of the client's right to be allowed accessto records and written information from records in accordance with theprovisions of this chapter;
(13) A statement that the client has the right to choosefreely among available practitioners and to change practitioners after serviceshave begun, within the limits of health insurance, medical assistance, or otherhealth programs;
(14) A statement that the client has a right to a coordinatedtransfer when there will be a change in the provider of services;
(15) A statement that the client may refuse services ortreatment, unless otherwise provided by law; and
(16) A statement that the client may assert the client'srights without retaliation.
(b) Acknowledgement by client. Prior to the provisionof any service, an unlicensed health care client must sign a written statementattesting that the client has received the unlicensed health care client billof rights.