§ 23-74-10 - Hearings.
SECTION 23-74-10
§ 23-74-10 Hearings. (a) If the director proposes to take action against the practitioner asdescribed in this chapter and pursuant to § 23-1-22, the director mustfirst notify the practitioner against whom the action is proposed to be takenand provide the practitioner with an opportunity to request a hearing. If thepractitioner does not request a hearing by notifying the director within thirty(30) days after service of the notice of the proposed action, the director mayproceed with the action without a hearing. If a hearing is requested, a hearingshall be scheduled by the director as soon as is practicable. The directorshall, issue a notice of a hearing of the charges, which shall specify the timeand place of the hearing and notify the accused that he or she may file withthe director a written response within twenty (20) days of the date of service.The notice shall also notify the accused that a stenographic record of theproceedings will be kept, that he or she will have the opportunity to appearpersonally and to have counsel present with the right to produce witnesses andevidence in his or her own behalf, to cross examine witnesses, to examine anydocumentary evidence that may be produced against him or her and to havesubpoenas issued by the director.
(b) The director may at the director's discretion reinstatethe right to practice and may impose any disciplinary measure listed under thischapter. Provided, the time limits set forth in this chapter shall control overany inconsistent or contrary provisions in § 23-1-22.