§ 23-7-7 - Establishment of mosquito abatement districts and local councils.
SECTION 23-7-7
§ 23-7-7 Establishment of mosquitoabatement districts and local councils. Any city or town or subdivision of a city or town or any two (2) or more citiesand towns in Rhode Island and bordering communities may become a mosquitoabatement district in accordance with chapter 43 of title 45. That districtmust be titled "The ]]]]]]]] mosquito abatement district". Notice of theformation of a mosquito abatement district must be filed with the secretary ofstate with a description of the proposed boundaries of the district. Anymosquito abatement district formed must also notify the state mosquitoabatement board through the agricultural division of the department ofenvironmental management. Under normal conditions, no city or town orsubdivision of a city or town, or number of cities and towns, shall undertakeany mosquito control program without first being established as a mosquitoabatement district and without approval of its mosquito control program by theboard. The board shall be allowed ninety (90) days to act upon the proposedmosquito control program. A district council shall be established in accordancewith § 45-24-36 and shall be called "The ]]]]]]]] mosquito abatementcouncil". That council is declared to be the corporate authority of thatdistrict and shall exercise all of the powers and control all of the affairsand property of that district. The council shall keep regular records of allproceedings and financial affairs that shall be open to the inspection of thepublic at reasonable hours.