§ 23-7.1-2 - Declaration of purpose.
SECTION 23-7.1-2
§ 23-7.1-2 Declaration of purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the systematic control anderadication of rodents in the state so as to promote the public health,welfare, and safety, and to prevent injury, disease, or detriment to humanlife. It shall be the responsibility of the local communities to instituterodent control programs; however, since an effective rodent control programrequires close cooperation between the local communities and the statedepartment of health in planning and carrying out any rodent control program,this chapter requires the department of health to cooperate with localcommunities in developing and carrying out rodent control programs and topromulgate regulations establishing minimum standards which must be followed byall local communities in the state. This chapter also establishes incentivesthat encourage local communities to undertake more comprehensive rodent controlprograms.