§ 23-66-3 - Requirements of the assessment.
SECTION 23-66-3
§ 23-66-3 Requirements of the assessment. Each assessment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) An analysis of ambient air conditions, including but notlimited to, levels of lead, mercury, zinc, chromium, arsenic, particulates,nitrogen oxide, and any other pollutants as required by the department ofenvironmental management for major stationary sources.
(2) A complete air quality impact analysis will be performedusing meteorological data as provided by the United States Weather Service orcomparable weather services of the state for the five (5) years preceding thedate the protocol is approved and the protocol for conducting such an analysismust be submitted to the department of environmental management for theirapproval; the area of analysis to be determined by the department ofenvironmental management, but in no case shall the area of analysis be lessthan one thousand (1,000) meters in radius from the location of the proposedsewage sludge incineration facility; and identification of communitiespredominantly down-wind of the proposed sewage sludge incineration facility.
(3) The assessment shall include an estimate of planned andreasonably expected stack emission levels including but not limited to heavymetals and related compounds, particulates, arsenic, beryllium, lead, mercury,and nitrogen oxide.
(4) In the assessment the proponent shall demonstrate thatother reasonable or suitable alternate disposal and/or reuse method for thesewage sludge have been examined.
(5) The assessment shall evaluate the potential for theproposed sewage sludge incineration facility to incinerate materials other thansewage sludge. The proponent must provide a quality control plan for materialsto be incinerated by the proposed facility including but not limited to: sewagesludge imported from other communities, sewage service districts, states orcountries; and any material to be incinerated other than sewage sludge.
(6) The assessment shall propose comprehensive plans foremergency conditions including, but not limited to, catastrophic mechanicalfailure, breakdown and/or fire and shall propose plans for communitynotification and evacuation in emergency circumstances.
(7) The assessment shall be prepared by a firm or person withextensive experience in the preparation of environmental and health assessments.
(8) The assessment shall include atmospheric modeling topredict substantive environmental and health impacts on and off site asrequired by federal Environmental Protection Agency Sewage Sludge Regulation503 and state department of environmental management air pollution controlregulations for acceptable ambient levels.
(9) The assessment shall be a condition precedent to theissuance of any air quality permit by the department of environmentalmanagement.