§ 23-4.7-3 - Required disclosures.
SECTION 23-4.7-3
§ 23-4.7-3 Required disclosures. (a) Either the physician who is to perform the abortion or his or herauthorized agent or another physician or his or her authorized agent shall:
(1) Inform the woman that she is pregnant and inform her ofthe estimated gestational age of the fetus at the time of the disclosure.
(2) Explain to the woman the medical nature of an abortion,including the probable gestational age of the fetus at the time the abortion isto be performed.
(3) Explain to the woman the medical or surgical procedure tobe employed to perform the abortion.
(4) Explain to the woman all known material medical risksassociated with the particular abortion procedure to be employed. In the eventa physician or his or her authorized agent determines that the disclosure of aknown material risk should not be made, that risk need not be disclosed,provided the medical basis for the nondisclosure is certified in writing in thepatient's medical record.
(b) In addition, a physician or his or her authorized agentmay inform the woman of any other material facts or opinions or otherwise stateanything with respect to the disclosures required in this section which, in theexercise of his or her best medical judgment, is reasonably necessary to enablethe woman to give her informed consent to the proposed abortion, with fullknowledge of its nature and consequences.