§ 23-4.11-4 - Revocation of declaration.
SECTION 23-4.11-4
§ 23-4.11-4 Revocation of declaration. (a) A declaration may be revoked at any time and in any manner by which thedeclarant is able to communicate an intent to revoke, without regard to mentalor physical condition. A revocation is only effective as to the attendingphysician or any health care provider upon communication to that physician orhealth care provider by the declarant or by another who witnessed therevocation.
(2) The attending physician or health care provider shallmake the revocation a part of the declarant's medical record.
(3) If there is an inconsistency between a declarationexecuted pursuant to this chapter and a durable health care power of attorneyexecuted pursuant to chapter 4.10 of this title, both of which have beenexecuted by the same person, the latter executed document shall control as toany inconsistent provision.
(4) For emergency medical services personnel, absence ofreliable documentation as defined in § 23-4.11-2(6) shall constitute arevocation of the declaration.
(b) A revocation is only effective as to the attendingphysician or any health care provider or emergency medical services personnelupon communication to that physician health care provider or emergency medicalservices personnel by the declarant or by another who witnessed the revocation.