§ 23-34.1-6 - Amusement ride or device owner Obligations.
SECTION 23-34.1-6
§ 23-34.1-6 Amusement ride or device owner Obligations. (a) If an amusement ride or device is materially rebuilt or so modified as tochange its original action, it shall be re-identified by a different name and adifferent serial number.
(b) Repairs will be carried out in accordance with themanufacturer's instructions and shall utilize replacement parts which meet orexceed original equipment specifications.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of the amusement ride ordevice owner to obtain all safety alert or maintenance bulletins and strictlyadhere to the manufacturer's requirements.
(d) The owner must maintain an up-to-date ride file jacket.
(e) All major alterations or other modifications must besubmitted in writing to the manufacturer or an approved engineer for review.The manufacturer's or engineer's comments must be kept in the ride file jacket.
(f) The assembly and disassembly of an amusement ride ordevice shall be done by or under the immediate supervision of a personexperienced in the proper performance of such work in respect to the ride ordevice.
(g) Parts shall be properly aligned and shall not be bent,distorted, cut, omitted or otherwise deformed to force them into place. Partsrequiring lubrication shall be relubricated in the course of assembly.Fastening and locking devices such as bolts, cap screws, cotter pins and lockwashers shall be installed where required. Nuts and lock nuts shall be firmlyset. Welding of parts upon which safe operation depends shall be done bywelders certified in accordance with the requirements of the American WeldingSociety. Any work performed by a welder shall be noted in the ride record andfiled in the ride file jacket.
(h) Tools and equipment used in the assembly or disassemblyof amusement rides or devices shall be of proper size and design to enable thework to be done safely and properly.
(i) Daily inspection of amusement rides or devices shall berequired prior to the ride or device carrying passengers. The inspection shallbe made by the owner or his or her agent. The inspection shall include theoperation of control devices, speed-limiting devices, brakes and otherequipment provided for safety (i.e. pins, bolts, keys, and other fasteners).Prior to carrying passengers, the ride or device shall be operated for aminimum of one complete operating cycle. A record of each inspection shall befiled in the ride file jacket.
(j) All power transmission devices and associated movingparts shall be shielded, enclosed or barricaded to protect the public.
(k) Hydraulic systems shall be checked for leaks, damagedpipes and worn or deteriorated hoses. Only manufacturer approved hydraulicfluid shall be used.
(l) Pressure relief valves or devices, including, but notlimited to, compressed air and gas devices, shall be tested on a weekly basisto insure that they operate properly.
(m) All fabrics constituting part of an amusement ride ordevice shall meet the requirements of the small-scale test contained in NFPA701, Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films.
(n) Storage and use of flammable liquids and gases shallcomply with the requirements of the regulations of the division concerningflammable and combustible liquids.
(o) In all locations where vehicles and persons may travel,electrical cables shall be protected with conduit, planks or other approvedmethods such as matting or trenching.
(p) Each electrically operated amusement ride or device shallbe provided with a properly labeled disconnect power switch placed within reachof the operator.
(q) Safe and adequate means of access to and egress fromamusement rides or devices shall be provided. All passageways shall be freefrom debris, obstructions, projections and other hazards. All surfaces shall besuch as to prevent slipping and tipping. The width of passageways shall not beless than the width of exit doors or stairs to which they lead.
(r) All amusement rides or devices shall be required to befenced for the protection of passengers, spectators and workers in compliancewith ASTM F-24 Committee guidelines.
(s) Amusement rides and attractions are to be kept fifteen(15) feet away from electrical lines as specified in the National ElectricCode, Section 525-12.
(t) The interior and exterior parts of all passenger-carryingamusement devices or amusement attractions with which a passenger may come incontact shall be smooth and rounded and free from sharp, rough, or splinterededges and corners, with no projecting studs, bolts, screws, or otherprojections which might cause injury. Interior parts upon or against which apassenger may be forcibly thrown by the action of the amusement device oramusement attraction shall be adequately padded.