§ 23-34.1-17 - Advisory committee.
SECTION 23-34.1-17
§ 23-34.1-17 Advisory committee. To assist in the adoption of rules and regulations with regard to the operationof amusement rides and devices, there is hereby created an amusement rideadvisory committee. The committee shall consist of seven (7) members, one (1)of whom shall be a carnival owner, one (1) of whom shall be a member of theamusement ride industry, one (1) of whom shall be a structural engineer, one(1) of whom shall be the state building commissioner or his or her designee,one (1) of whom shall be a mechanical engineer, one (1) of whom shall be thestate fire marshall or his or her designee, and one (1) of whom shall be acitizen of the state of Rhode Island, all members to be appointed by thegovernor for a three (3) year term, and to meet on a quarterly basis or asneeded by the commissioner in furtherance of the provision of this chapter.