§ 23-34.1-11 - Reporting of serious injuries or deaths occurring in connection with operation of rides or attractions.
SECTION 23-34.1-11
§ 23-34.1-11 Reporting of serious injuriesor deaths occurring in connection with operation of rides or attractions. When any serious injury or any death occurs in connection with the operation ofany amusement ride or attraction, the owner of the ride or attraction shallimmediately report the serious injury or death to the commissioner or his orher designee. Within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of any report, thecommissioner or his or her designee shall cause an investigation of theoccurrence and an inspection of the ride or attraction to determine the causeof the serious injury or death. The commissioner or his or her designee mayenter into any place or upon any premises so licensed in furtherance of thatinvestigation and inspection. Unless otherwise authorized by the director, noamusement ride or attraction subject to the provisions of this chapter may beoperated or altered nor shall it be removed from the location where the seriousinjury or death occurred until after completion of the inspection. If thecommissioner requires that the ride or attraction remain at the site, he or sheshall given written notice to that further investigation is required to theowner of the ride or attraction. Notice shall also be provided to the owner ofthe site. In the event of death, the state shall secure the accident site andprovide continuous security of the site until the commissioner, or his or herdesignee concludes its investigation.