§ 23-33-30 - Elevators placed out of service.
SECTION 23-33-30
§ 23-33-30 Elevators placed out ofservice. All elevators and other devices subject to the provisions of §§23-33-1 to 23-33-29, inclusive, having been out of active service for a periodexceeding one year, or said devices to be placed out of service for a periodexceeding six (6) months, after July 1, 1997, shall comply with the following:(A) (1) The owner or agent for the owner shall notify the chief inspector inwriting, giving the date when the elevator or other device will be placed outof service. (2) If the out of service period is to exceed six (6) months, thecar and counterweights where provided shall be lowered to the pit floor, allsuspension means removed, all main line fuses removed, and the service switchopened and tagged and sealed. (3) All hoistway entrances shall be boltedsecurely in the closed position from the hoistway side. (4) Where hoistwaygates are in place, the landing openings shall be totally enclosed and stronglyreinforced. (5) The lowest landing hoistway door shall be locked from theoutside of the hoistway to facilitate repairs for reactivation. (6) Where theelevator or other device is hydraulically operated, the decommissioning shall,in addition to the securing of the hoistway and electrical power as describedpreviously, lower the car into the pit, and have all hydraulic fluid and pipingfrom the cylinder to the pump unit removed from the premises. (7) In additionto the removal of the main line fuses, the supply wiring from the load side ofthe main line disconnect switch to the controller shall be removed on alldevices decommissioned. (8) Any device having been decommissioned as describedpreviously, shall be reactivated when in compliance with the current rules andregulations as promulgated by the code commission. (B) Any device required tobe decommissioned shall have this procedure completed by a licensed company asspecified in § 23-33-2.2. The said company shall notify the chiefinspector when any device is decommissioned. (C) Any elevator or other devicesubject to the provisions of this chapter, having been placed out of servicefor code violations or non-use by an inspector or the chief inspector shall besubject to the provisions of this section.
Provided, that nothing in this section shall be interpretedto eliminate any requirement for hoisting engineers that would be requiredpursuant to the provisions of § 28-26-5 and/or to authorize thepromulgation of any rules and/or regulations inconsistent with the provisionsof § 28-26-5.