§ 23-33-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-33-1
§ 23-33-1 Definitions. In this chapter unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Authorized inspector" means an inspector of elevatorsemployed by (i) an insurance company, or making inspection for an insurancecompany, or (ii) any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business ofinspecting elevators, to whom, under the provisions of this chapter, a permitis issued either as a result of an examination or because of experience andfitness, as determined by the chief of the division of occupational safety.
(2) "Building" means any structure existing or hereaftererected in any part of this state except a private dwelling when used as such,and except any building located on a United States government reservation.
(3) "Chief inspector" means the existing position of chiefelevator inspector as appointed by the director of labor and training.
(4) "Code of rules" means the standard code of rulesformulated and adopted by the code commission for occupational safety andhealth under the provisions of this chapter and of chapter 20 of title 28.
(5) "Commission" means the code commission for occupationalsafety and health created under § 28-20-22.
(6) "Compliance inspector" means an industrial safetytechnician (also known as a safety compliance inspector) who holds acertification as a qualified elevator inspector as required by the Americansociety of mechanical engineers and is appointed by the director of labor andtraining under the provisions of chapter 20 of title 28.
(7) "Director" shall mean the director of labor and trainingor his or her duly authorized representative.
(8) "Elevator" means a hoisting and lowering mechanismequipped with a car or platform which moves in guides in a substantiallyvertical direction. The term "elevator" or other device, whenever used in thischapter shall include but not be limited to dumbwaiters, vertical reciprocatingconveyors, wheelchair lifts, and material lifts. The term "elevator" shall alsoinclude any lifting and lowering mechanisms moving in fixed guides, erected andused solely during and in aid of the construction, alteration, or demolition ofbuildings.
(9) "Escalator" means a moving, inclined, continuous stairwayor runway used for raising or lowering passengers.
(10) "Full maintenance contract" shall mean a signed contractbetween a qualified service company and the owner or responsible party of anelevator, escalator, or other device subject to the provisions of this chapter.The contract shall provide that all parts of the elevator or other device shallbe maintained in compliance with the rules and regulations promulgated by thecommission and shall provide for service inspections by a qualified mechanicwithin specific periods for the duration of the contract. Code revisions,vandalism, or acts of God are excluded from the contract unless specificallystated within the contract. In addition, the contract shall state the number ofnonchargeable service calls per month as well as the rate for emergency orchargeable calls. The contract shall also provide a means of emergencydispatching and reasonable response time.
(11) "Owner" means any person owning, operating, or in chargeor control of any elevator or escalator, or other device subject to theprovisions of this chapter as defined in this section.
(12) "Qualified mechanic" shall mean a person employed by aqualified service company to whom, due to experience and qualifications, alicense to construct, install, maintain, or repair elevators, escalators orother devices subject to the provisions of this chapter has been issued by theadministrator of the division of occupational safety.
(13) "Qualified service company" shall mean a firm orcorporation engaged in the business of construction, installation, maintenanceor repair of elevators, escalators or other devices subject to the provisionsof this chapter to which a license to conduct such business has been issued bythe administrator of the division of occupational safety.
(14) "Review board" shall mean the occupational safety andhealth review board created under § 28-20-19.