§ 23-3-10.2 - Certificates of birth resulting in stillbirth Filing.
SECTION 23-3-10.2
§ 23-3-10.2 Certificates of birthresulting in stillbirth Filing. (a) The state registrar of vital records shall establish a certificate of birthresulting in stillbirth for fetal deaths, defined as the naturally occurringintrauterine death of a fetus that occurs after the twentieth (20th) week ofpregnancy. The certificate shall be issued only at the request of eitherindividual listed as mother or father on the report of fetal death. Thecertificate of birth resulting in stillbirth shall meet all of the formatrequirements for a certificate of live birth as provided for in this chapter.If the parents of the stillborn child decide not to name the stillborn child,the person preparing a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth shall leaveblank any references to the stillborn child's name.
(b) The certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth shall befiled with the state registrar of vital records within ten (10) days after thedelivery. When a birth resulting in stillbirth occurring in the state has notbeen registered within one year after the date of delivery, a certificatemarked "delayed" may be filed and registered in accordance with regulations ofthe department of health promulgated pursuant to the provisions of §23-3-3 relating to evidentiary and other requirements sufficient tosubstantiate the alleged facts of birth resulting in stillbirth.