§ 23-28.6-23 - Prohibited activities in places of assembly.
SECTION 23-28.6-23
§ 23-28.6-23 Prohibited activities inplaces of assembly. (a) Pyrotechnics. The storage, handling, use of display of pyrotechnics isprohibited in all places of assembly, except as may be authorized below.Pyrotechnics may be permitted only in places of assembly with an occupancy loadof greater than one thousand (1000) people that are fully fire alarmed andsprinklered and in places of assembly with an occupancy load of three hundred(300) up to one thousand (1000) people that are theatres and are fully firealarmed and sprinklered and have specific advanced approval from the firemarshal, or his designee, for the use of such pyrotechnics in accordance withrequirements established by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review.
(b) The use of decorative or acoustical materials that arenot certified, consistent with NFPA requirements or such other requirements asmay be established by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review isprohibited. Any person or entity violating the provisions of this section shallbe fined in an amount not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000) for eachoffense.