§ 23-28.5-2 - Notice to remove combustible materials.
SECTION 23-28.5-2
§ 23-28.5-2 Notice to remove combustiblematerials. If the authority having jurisdiction, after any inspection made under theauthority of § 23-28.5-1, shall in its discretion deem that theaccumulation of a combustible nature increases the danger of fire to thepremises where the accumulation has been permitted, or to the property adjacentthereto, the authority having jurisdiction shall give notice in writing to theoccupant or occupants or one of them, of the premises where the accumulationhas been permitted, to remove or cause to be removed, from the premises thematerial of a combustible nature, within forty-eight (48) hours after receiptby the occupant or occupants of the notice. In case the material of acombustible nature shall not be removed within forty-eight (48) hours asaforesaid, the authority having jurisdiction may cause the material to beremoved from the premises, and thereupon shall cause notice in writing of thecost and expense of the removal to be given to the occupant or occupants, orone of them, and also certify the amount thereof to the city or town clerk ofthe city or town, and in case the cost and expense shall not be paid to thecity or town treasurer within thirty (30) days after the notice, the city ortown may recover the cost and expense in a civil action against the occupant oroccupants.