§ 23-28.36-3 - Notification of infectious diseases.
SECTION 23-28.36-3
§ 23-28.36-3 Notification of infectiousdiseases. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 40.1-5-26 (disclosure ofconfidential information and records under mental health law) and 5-37.3-4(confidentiality of health care information), if, while treating,investigating, or transporting an ill or injured person to a licensed facility,a fire fighter, police officer, strike force member or emergency medicaltechnician is occupationally exposed (e.g. blood borne exposure) to a personwho is subsequently diagnosed as having an infectious disease, and the exposureis sufficient to create the risk of transmission of the disease, the licensedfacility receiving that person shall notify the highest ranking officer of thetreating, investigating, or transporting individual's department of health ofthe exposure to that person which officer shall then notify the exposedindividual. Further, any city or town police department notified of infectiousdiseases pursuant to the provisions of this section shall, within forty-eight(48) hours, notify any strike force member who was exposed to the infectedperson.
(b) The notification shall be made within forty-eight (48)hours, or sooner, of confirmation of the patient's diagnosis.
(c) The notified employee shall contact the licensed healthcare facility to determine the infectious disease to which he or she has beenexposed, and to receive the appropriate medical direction for dealing with theinfectious disease.
(d) Notification made pursuant to this section shall beconducted in a manner which will protect the confidentiality of the patient,fire fighter, police officer, or emergency technician.