§ 23-28.3-3 - Rules and regulations.
SECTION 23-28.3-3
§ 23-28.3-3 Rules and regulations. (a) The state fire safety code board has the power to promulgate, amend, andrepeal rules and regulations to safeguard life and property from the hazards offire and explosives consistent with the provisions of the Fire Safety Code,chapters 28.1 through 28.39 of this title, and consistent with therehabilitation building and fire code for existing buildings and structures,chapter 29.1 of this title. The regulations, amendments, or repeals shall be inaccordance with standard safe practice as embodied in widely recognizedstandards of good practice for fire prevention and fire protection. The rulesand regulations promulgated by the board, which are known as the state FireSafety Code, are in effect in all the cities, towns, counties, and politicalsubdivisions in the state. Whenever the provisions of any other statute orlocal regulation are more stringent or impose higher standards than the statefire safety code, that statute or local regulations will govern, unless it isnot consistent with the state code or contrary to recognized standards or goodengineering practices. The board determines the relative priority of theregulations.
(b) All rules and regulations adopted by the state firesafety code board shall be adopted in accordance with the AdministrativeProcedures Act (R.I.G.L. 42-35-1 et seq.).
(c) For the purpose of any public hearing under this chapter,the state fire safety code board has the power to summon witnesses andadminister oaths for the purpose of giving testimony.
(d) The board shall provide for reasonable interpretation ofthe provisions of this code, and rule on appeals from decisions of the firemarshal.