§ 23-28.28-9 - Standards for use of explosives.
SECTION 23-28.28-9
§ 23-28.28-9 Standards for use ofexplosives. (a) All licensees under this chapter, when using any explosives, shall notexceed the standards of distance, amount of charge, maximum earth vibration,and maximum air shock as set forth in the United States department of theinterior bureau of mines report of investigators number 8507 which is entitled"Structure Response and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration from Surface MinesBlasting", and any amendment and/or modifications thereof, which standards areincorporated herein by reference.
(b) Blasting limits. No licensee shall use anexplosive weight in pounds per delay in excess of the formula of the distanceto the nearest structure in feet, divided by the factor of seventy (70),multiplied by itself, [W = (D/70) squared], except when seismographmonitoring as set forth in subsection (c).
(c) Seismograph required. Each licensee shall berequired to perform a seismograph test at the nearest structure to the blastprior to and during any blasting that would exceed the limits as set forth insubsection (b).
(d) Seismic limits. At the structure nearest to theblast, the peak particle velocity in any direction at frequencies between 2.5and 10 Hertz shall not exceed 0.5 inches per second, and at each frequency, f,greater than 10 Hertz, the peak particle velocity shall not exceed 0.05f inchesper second up to a maximum of 2 inches per second. In addition, at the neareststructure no air-shock (sound) reading shall exceed one hundred and thirty-four(134) decibels using a 0.1-Hz, high-pass system, or exceed one hundred andthirty-three (133) decibels using a 2-Hz high-pass system or exceed one hundredand twenty-nine (129) decibels using a 5-Hz or 6-Hz high-pass system.
(2) If the licensee is blasting within the allowed limits asdictated under subsection (b), but is found in excess of the seismic limits ofthis subsection, the licensee shall reduce the amount of explosives per delay,or adjust the operation to comply with the limits as dictated by thissubsection.