§ 23-28.12-15 - Fire alarm systems.
SECTION 23-28.12-15
§ 23-28.12-15 Fire alarm systems. (a) It shall be the duty of the principal or other person in charge of everypublic school or private school or educational institution within the state,having more than twenty-five (25) pupils, to instruct and train the pupils bymeans of drills, so that they may in a sudden emergency be able to leave theschool building in the shortest possible time and without confusion or panic.There shall be fifteen (15) such drills or rapid dismissals during the schoolyear, at least eight (8) of which shall be held during the months of September,October, and November. The remaining seven (7) drills or rapid dismissals shallbe held at the discretion of the principal or person in charge of the school.At least four (4) drills or rapid dismissals shall be obstructed, which meansthat one or more exits and stairways in the school building are blocked off ornot used, and at least two (2) of these obstructed drills shall be held duringthe months of September and October.
(b) Neglect by any principal or any person in charge of anypublic or private school or educational institution to comply with theprovisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine notexceeding fifty dollars ($50.00). Written reports, on forms supplied by thedepartment of elementary and secondary education, of each fire drill shall becompleted immediately upon termination of every drill and shall be availablefor review by the fire marshal, assistant deputy fire marshal, or local fireauthority. The fire marshal, assistant deputy fire marshal, or local fireauthority may require that a fire drill be conducted in his or her presence.