§ 23-28.1-6 - Applicability to new or existing structures.
SECTION 23-28.1-6
§ 23-28.1-6 Applicability to new orexisting structures. (a) All regulations contained in this code apply to all structures unlessspecifically exempted. Prior to a building permit being issued, all plans forbuildings regulated under this code shall be submitted to the authority havingjurisdiction. The authority having jurisdiction shall approve or disapprove thecompleted set of plans within a reasonable time not to exceed ninety (90) days.When a change of use or type of occupancy is made in an existing building, thebuilding shall conform to the requirements established by the rehabilitationbuilding and fire code for existing buildings and structures, or if therehabilitation building and fire code for existing structures is notapplicable, to the requirements for new structures as related to the proposeduse or type of occupancy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any completed set ofplans relating to the construction or rehabilitation of a residential dwellingoccupied by one, two (2), and/or three (3) families shall be approved ordisapproved within sixty (60) days.
(b) In existing structures, since it is not always practicalor efficient to strictly apply all of the provisions of the code, the authorityhaving jurisdiction shall have the power to implement and enforce theprovisions of the code as provided for in the Uniform Fire Code (NFPA 1) andthe Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) with annexes, as applicable to existingstructures, consistent with such rules and regulations as may be adopted andsuch decisions as may be rendered by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal andReview.
(c) Application of the code to new and existing structuresshall be consistent with such blanket variances, variances, and rules, as maybe approved by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, and suchmodifications as may be issued in writing by the authority having jurisdiction,in accordance with NFPA 101, with annexes.