§ 23-28.1-5 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-28.1-5
§ 23-28.1-5 Definitions. The terms used in NFPA 1 (Uniform Fire Code), in NFPA 101 (Life Safety Code)and in such other national codes as are authorized for adoption by the FireSafety Code Board of Appeal and Review shall be given the definitionsestablished in those codes unless another meaning is provided for in this titleand is essential to implementing the purposes of this title, and the FireSafety Code Board of Appeal and Review shall have authority to resolve anyconflicts among definitions in order to achieve the purposes of this titleand/or provide for the efficient administration of codes:
(1) Abatement or to abate a condition. Abatement, orto abate a condition, is the reduction, decrease, or diminution of a hazardouscondition that presents immediate danger to life. The term "immediate" denotesthat action is or must be taken either instantly or without any considerableloss of time. The condition may be singular or may be a set of conditions thatin combination present an immediate danger to life. Such conditions shallinclude improper management or use of flammable and combustible materials,liquids and gasses, pyrotechnics, fireworks or explosives, malfunctioningautomatic sprinklers, fire alarms and emergency lighting, malfunctioningheating and electrical systems, blocked or inadequate exits or means of egress,and such other conditions as may be established by the Fire Safety Code Boardof Appeal and Review.
(2) Authority having jurisdiction. Unless specificallydefined to the contrary in this code, the authority having jurisdiction for theenforcement of this code shall be the state fire marshal, the deputy firemarshals, and assistant deputies.
(3) Code. The term "code" means this Fire Safety Codeestablished under the provisions of § 23-28.1-1.
(4) Compliance order. For the purposes of this Code, acompliance order is defined as a command or direction authoritatively given toa building owner or occupant to provide conformance with the Fire Safety Code.A compliance order takes effect when a building owner or occupant, after propernotice, has exhausted his/her administrative appeals or has failed to availhimself/herself of appropriate administrative appeals within a reasonableperiod of time after receiving proper notice.
(5) Family day care home. The term "family day carehome" means any home other than the child's home in which child day care inlieu of parental care and/or supervision is offered at the same time to atleast four (4) but not more than eight (8) children who are not relatives ofthe care giver, and which is licensed by the state department of children,youth, and families and subject to the department's regulations.
(6) Nightclub. A place of public accommodation, whichin general is characterized by all of the following:
(i) Provides entertainment by a live band or recorded musicgenerating above normal sound levels.
(ii) Has as its primary source of revenue, in general, thesale of beverages of any kind for consumption on the premises and/or covercharges. Food, if served, is considered a secondary attraction.
(iii) Has an occupant load in total or in any single area orroom of at least 100 patrons.
Nothing in this definition shall be construed to include anyplace of public accommodation or any event within a place of publicaccommodation, which is in its nature distinctly private.
(7) "Place of worship" means a building or structure, or anarea thereof, the occupancy of which is for the religious rites and servicesand communal functions of a congregation, and which shall include sanctuaries,gathering halls, meeting rooms and offices and related facilities of thecongregation, which may be located in the same, in connected, or in proximatestructures.