§ 23-28.01-5 - Planning and reporting.
SECTION 23-28.01-5
§ 23-28.01-5 Planning and reporting. The system of fire safety codes, compliance, enforcement, and education, shallbe regularly reviewed in order to maintain the use of best practices throughoutRhode Island and to plan for and implement professional, comprehensive,efficient and effective fire safety measures in the state.
(a) The fire marshal shall, in conjunction with the firesafety code board of appeal and review, the building code commission, thedepartment of health, the economic development corporation, the department ofelementary and secondary education, and representatives of local firedepartments, prepare and approve by February 20, 2004, a comprehensive plansetting forth goals and implementation measures for improving fire safety inRhode Island, which plan shall include recommendations regarding public, firesafety education. The plan may be periodically reviewed and amended and shallbe updated at least once every five (5) years. The plan, and any amendments andupdates, shall be submitted to the governor, the speaker of the house and thepresident of the senate. A copy of the plan shall be provided to the secretaryof state, and the report shall be posted on the website of the fire marshal.
(b) The fire marshal shall submit a report on or beforeFebruary 1, 2005, and annually not later than February 1 in each yearthereafter, to the governor, the speaker of the house and the president of thesenate on fire safety in Rhode Island, summarizing the incidence of fires inRhode Island, describing the status of fire safety efforts in Rhode Island andprogress toward meeting goals set forth in the five (5) year plan, andrecommending actions for improving fire safety. A copy of the report shall beprovided to the secretary of state, and the report shall be posted on thewebsite of the fire marshal.
(c) In order to increase public information about fire risksin places of assembly, the fire marshal shall make public the repeat and/oruncorrected fire safety code violations of all places of assembly that areclassified as nightclubs and provide this information on a website, effectiveFebruary 20, 2004.