§ 23-27.3-116.3 - Description and inspection of buildings Travel route.
SECTION 23-27.3-116.3
§ 23-27.3-116.3 Description and inspectionof buildings Travel route. The application for the permit, as delineated in § 23-27.3-116.1, shallcomply with all the applicable requirements of §§ 23-27.3-113.0,23-27.3-114.0, and 23-27.3-115.0, and shall clearly state the length, width,and height of the building and shall include the type of material comprisingthe exterior walls and roofs, and if moved, the route by which it is to be somoved, and the time required for moving the building. The building officialshall thereupon examine the building, and if the building official finds thereis no danger to adjoining property or that the public will not be endangered orunduly inconvenienced if the building is to be transported on or across apublic street or highway, the building official shall issue a permit for itsremoval subject to the prior written approval of other appropriate municipalofficials such as the traffic engineer, the director of public works, and thechief of the fire department.