§ 23-27.3-100.1.4 - Appointment and qualifications of the committee.
SECTION 23-27.3-100.1.4
§ 23-27.3-100.1.4 Appointment andqualifications of the committee. (a) The building code standards committee shall be composed of twenty-three(23) members, residents of the state who shall be appointed by the governorwith the advice and consent of the senate. Eight (8) members are to beappointed for terms of one year each, seven (7) for a term of two (2) yearseach, and eight (8) for terms of three (3) years each. Annually, thereafter,the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint membersto the committee to succeed those whose terms expired; the members to serve forterms of three (3) years each and until their successors are appointed andqualified. Two (2) members shall be architects registered in the state; three(3) shall be professional engineers registered in the state, one specializingin mechanical, one specializing in structural, and one specializing inelectrical engineering; one landscape architect, registered in the state, onefull-time certified electrical inspector; two (2) shall be builders orsuperintendents of building construction; one shall be a public healthofficial; one shall be a qualified fire code official; two (2) shall be fromthe Rhode Island building trades council; one shall be a holder of Class "A"electrician's license; one shall be a master plumber; two (2) shall be from thegeneral public; three (3) shall be building officials in office, one from amunicipality with a population of sixty thousand (60,000) persons or more, onefrom a municipality with a population of over twenty thousand (20,000) personsbut less than sixty thousand (60,000), and one from a municipality with apopulation of less than twenty thousand (20,000) persons; one shall be aminimum housing official in office from one of the local municipalities; andtwo (2) residents of the state who shall be persons with disabilities asdefined in § 42-87-1.
(b) All members shall have no less than five (5) yearspractical experience in his or her profession or business. The committee shallelect its own chairperson and may elect from among its members such otherofficers as it deems necessary. Twelve (12) members of the board shallconstitute a quorum and the vote of a majority vote of those present shall berequired for action. The committee shall adopt rules and regulations forprocedure. The state building commissioner shall serve as the executivesecretary to the committee. The committee shall have the power, within thelimits of appropriations provided therefor, to employ such assistance as may benecessary to conduct business.
(c) Members of the commission shall be removable by thegovernor pursuant to § 36-1-7 of the general laws and for cause only, andremoval solely for partisan or personal reasons unrelated to capacity orfitness for the office shall be unlawful.
(d) The state housing and property maintenance codesubcommittee shall be composed of nine (9) members, residents of the state.Five (5) of these members are to be current members of the state building codestandards committee and are to be appointed by that committee. The four (4)remaining members are to be appointed by the governor, with the advice andconsent of the senate. The four (4) appointed by the governor, with the adviceand consent of the senate, shall initially be appointed on a staggered termbasis, one for one year, one for two (2) years, and two (2) for three (3)years. Annually thereafter, the building code standards committee, and thegovernor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint thesubcommittee members, for which they are respectively responsible, to succeedthose whose terms have expired; the members to serve for terms of three (3)years each and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Of themembers appointed by the committee one shall be a full-time certifiedelectrical inspector; one shall be a master plumber and mechanical equipmentexpert, one shall be a builder or superintendent of building construction, onemember shall be a qualified state fire code official, one shall be a propertymanager, and one shall be a current minimum housing official from a localmunicipality. The four (4) members to be appointed by the governor, with theadvice and consent of the senate, shall all be current minimum housingofficials from local municipalities. One shall be from a municipality with apopulation of sixty thousand (60,000) persons or more, two (2) frommunicipalities with a population of over twenty thousand (20,000) persons butless than sixty thousand (60,000), and one from a municipality with apopulation of less than twenty thousand (20,000) persons.