§ 23-26-31 - Fees.

SECTION 23-26-31

   § 23-26-31  Fees. – (a) The per annum fees imposed for licenses issued pursuant to § 23-26-30shall be as follows:

   (1) Every applicant classified as a manufacturer of articlesof bedding for sale at wholesale or retail or as a supply dealer shall pay,prior to the issuance of a general license, a per annum fee of two hundred tendollars ($210) and the licensee may be engaged in any or all of the following:

   (i) Manufacture of articles of bedding for sale at wholesale;

   (ii) Manufacture of articles of bedding for sale at retail;

   (iii) Supply dealer;

   (iv) Repairer-renovator.

   (2) Every applicant classified as a repairer-renovator orretailer of second-hand articles of bedding shall pay, prior to the issuance ofa limited license, a per annum fee of sixty dollars ($60.00), and the licenseemay be engaged in any or all of the following:

   (i) Repairer-renovator;

   (ii) Retailer of second-hand articles of bedding; provided,however, that if a licensee is reclassified from one category to another whichcalls for a higher license fee, he or she shall pay a pro rata share of thehigher license fee for the unexpired period and shall be issued a new licenseto expire on the expiration date of the original license.

   (b) If, through error, a licensee has been improperlyclassified as of the date of issue of his or her current license, the properfee for the entire period shall be payable. Any overpayment shall be refundedto the licensee. No refunds shall be allowed to any licensee who hasdiscontinued business, or whose license has been revoked or suspended or whohas been reclassified to a category calling for a greater or lesser licensefee, except as provided herein. The fee shall be paid to the director ofbusiness regulation. For reissuing a revoked or expired license the fee shallbe the same as for an original license.

   (c) All payments for registration fees, sterilizationprocess, permits, fines and penalties, and other money received under thischapter shall constitute inspection fees for the purpose of enforcing thischapter.