§ 23-26-27 - Penalty for violations.

SECTION 23-26-27

   § 23-26-27  Penalty for violations. –Any person who:

   (1) Makes, remakes, renovates, sterilizes, prepares, sells,or offers for sale, exchange, or lease any article of bedding as defined by§ 23-26-1, not properly tagged as required by this chapter; or

   (2) Uses in the making, remaking, renovating, or preparing ofthe article of bedding or in preparing cotton or other material therefor whichhas been used as a mattress, pillow, or bedding in any public or privatehospital, or which has been used by or about any person having an infectious orcontagious disease, and which after such use has not been sterilized andapproved for use, by the director of business regulation; or

   (3) Counterfeits or imitates any stamp or permit issued underthis chapter

   shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of notmore than five hundred dollars ($500) or by imprisonment for not more than six(6) months or both.