§ 23-26-17 - Sterilization of second-hand "as is" articles – Contents of tag.

SECTION 23-26-17

   § 23-26-17  Sterilization of second-hand"as is" articles – Contents of tag. – No complete second-hand article of bedding, or piece of second-hand upholsteredfurniture, which has not been remade or renovated, shall be sold "as is"without first being sterilized by a process approved by the director ofbusiness regulation. The original tag shall be removed by the vendor who shallattach a tag stating that the article is "second-hand – contents unknown";but this requirement shall not apply to articles sold at public auction, to thesale of antique furniture, or to a private sale from the home of the owner (notbeing a manufacturer or dealer in bedding) direct to the purchaser.