§ 23-25.4-8 - Rules.
SECTION 23-25.4-8
§ 23-25.4-8 Rules. (a) The board of pharmacy shall promulgate rules by December 1, 2005, toimplement the provisions of this chapter. Such rules may include:
(1) Eligibility criteria for pharmacies and charitableclinics authorized to receive and dispense donated prescription drugs pursuantto this chapter;
(2) Establishment of a formulary which shall include allprescription drugs approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration;
(3) Standards and procedures for transfer, acceptance, safestorage, security, and dispensing of donated prescription drugs;
(4) A process for seeking input from the state department ofhealth in establishing provisions which affect nursing homes and assistedliving residences;
(5) A process for seeking input form the department of mentalhealth, retardation and hospitals in establishing provisions which affectmental heath and substance abuse clients;
(6) Standards and procedures for inspecting donatedprescription drugs to ensure that the drugs are in compliance with theprovisions of this chapter and to ensure that, in the professional judgment ofthe pharmacist, the medications meet all federal and state standards forproduct integrity;
(7) Procedures for destruction of medications that aredonated which are controlled substances;
(8) Procedures for verifying whether the pharmacy andresponsible pharmacist participating in the program are licensed and in goodstanding with the board of pharmacy;
(9) Establishment of standards for acceptance of unusedprescription medications from assisted living residences; and
(10) Any other standards and procedures the board of pharmacydeems appropriate or necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.
(b) In accordance with the rules and procedures of theprogram established pursuant to this section, a resident of a nursing facilityor assisted living residence, or the representative or guardian of a residentmay donate unused prescription medications, other than prescription drugsdefined as controlled dangerous substances, to charitable clinics fordispensing to medically indigent persons.