§ 23-25.4-4 - Program established.
SECTION 23-25.4-4
§ 23-25.4-4 Program established. (a) The department of health and the board of pharmacy shall jointly developand implement a pilot program consistent with public health and safety throughwhich unused prescription drugs, other than prescription drugs defined ascontrolled substances in § 21-28-1.02, may be transferred from nursingfacilities, assisted living residences, residential care facilities orcommunity health organizations that centrally store prescription drugs and arelicensed at the M1 licensure level by the department of health to charitableclinics for the purpose of re-dispensing the medication to Rhode Islandresidents who are medically indigent.
(b) The pilot program shall conform to the requirementsestablished in rules promulgated by the state department of health and theboard of pharmacy. The pilot program shall remain in effect until January 1,2009.
(c) The state department of health and the board of pharmacyshall review and evaluate the pilot program and shall submit a report and anyrecommendations to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,and the president of the senate on or before January 1, 2009.
(d) Beginning April 1, 2007, the department of health and theboard of pharmacy shall implement statewide a program consistent with publichealth and safety through which unused prescription drugs, other thanprescription drugs defined as controlled substances in § 21-28-1.02, maybe transferred from nursing facilities or assisted living residences tocharitable clinics for the purpose of re-dispensing the unused prescriptiondrugs.
(e) The department of health and the board of pharmacy shallpromulgate rules and establish procedures necessary to implement the programestablished pursuant to this chapter.
(f) The board of pharmacy shall provide technical assistanceto entities who may wish to participate in the program.
(g) The department of health shall be required to providewritten notification to all eligible nursing homes, assisted living facilities,residential care facilities and community health organizations and to post asign clearly and conspicuously in each facility to notify its residents of theprogram.