§ 23-25.2-3 - Pesticide relief advisory board established Appointment of members.
SECTION 23-25.2-3
§ 23-25.2-3 Pesticide relief advisoryboard established Appointment of members. (a) There is created a pesticide relief advisory board consisting of eleven(11) members: one member shall be the chairperson of the joint committee on theenvironment or his or her designee, ex officio, and is referred to as thelegislative member; the other ten (10) members shall be referred to as publicmembers, and shall be appointed as follows: one public member shall be afaculty member in the department of plant pathology and entomology at theUniversity of Rhode Island, to be appointed by the governor; the lieutenantgovernor, the speaker of the house, and the president of the senate shall eachappoint one public member; the lieutenant governor shall appoint a publicmember who shall be a person engaged in full time vocation as an agriculturalfarmer; one public member shall be a professional toxicologist or a physicianwith sufficient experience in public health as it relates to pesticides ortoxicology, to be appointed by the governor; one public member shall be afaculty member in environmental studies at a Rhode Island college oruniversity, to be appointed by the governor; and one public member shall be arepresentative of the urban pest control industry or the chemical or pesticideindustry, to be appointed by the governor and two (2) public members shall berepresentatives of the community at large, to be appointed by the governor.
(b) The terms of office of the members of the board shall beas follows: the legislative member shall serve until the end of his or herlegislative term; the governor shall appoint faculty members to succeed facultymembers whose terms expire to hold office for a term of two (2) yearscommencing on the first day of February next following. In the month of Januaryin any year in which a public member's term of office expires, the appointingauthority shall appoint a successor to the member whose term shall expire inthat year, to hold office for a term of two (2) years commencing on the firstday of February next following. All members shall serve until their successorsare appointed and qualified. Any vacancy other than by expiration shall befilled in like manner as the original appointment, but only for the unexpiredportion of the term. All appointments shall be made in a timely manner.
(c) Immediately upon the completion of the initialappointments, the board shall meet at the call of the director and shall electfrom among themselves a chairperson.