§ 23-24-4 - Prohibited acts.
SECTION 23-24-4
§ 23-24-4 Prohibited acts. The following acts and the causing of the acts are prohibited:
(1) The introduction or delivery for introduction intointrastate commerce of any misbranded hazardous substance or banned hazardoussubstance;
(2) The alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration, orremoval of the whole or any part of the label of, or the doing of any other actwith respect to, a hazardous substance, if that act is done while the substanceis in intrastate commerce or while the substance is held for sale (whether ornot the first sale) in the state, and results in the hazardous substance beinga misbranded hazardous substance or banned hazardous substance;
(3) The receipt in intrastate commerce of any misbrandedhazardous substance or banned hazardous substance and the delivery or proffereddelivery of them for pay or otherwise;
(4) The giving of a guarantee or undertaking referred to in§ 23-24-5(b)(2) which guarantee or undertaking is false, except by aperson who relied upon a guarantee or undertaking to the same effect signed by,and containing the name and address of, the person residing in the state fromwhom he or she received in good faith the hazardous substance;
(5) The failure to permit entry or inspection as authorizedby § 23-24-11(b) or to permit access to and copying of any record asauthorized by § 23-24-12;
(6) The introduction or delivery for introduction intointrastate commerce, or the receipt in intrastate commerce and subsequentdelivery or proffered delivery for pay or otherwise, of a hazardous substancein a reused food, drug, or cosmetic container, or in a container which, thoughnot a reused container, is identifiable as a food, drug, or cosmetic containerby its labeling or by other identification. The reuse of a food, drug, orcosmetic container as a container for a hazardous substance shall be deemed tobe an act which results in the hazardous substance being a misbranded hazardoussubstance. As used in this subdivision, the terms "food", "drug", and"cosmetic", shall have the same meaning as in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,chapter 31 of title 21;
(7) The use by any person to his or her own advantage, orrevealing other than to the consumer protection unit or employees of theconsumer protection unit or to the courts when relevant in any judicialproceeding under this chapter of any information acquired under authority of§ 23-24-11 concerning any method or process which as a trade secret isentitled to protection.