§ 23-24.9-3 - Definitions.
SECTION 23-24.9-3
§ 23-24.9-3 Definitions. – For the purpose of this chapter:
(1) "Component" means a mercury-added product which isincorporated into another product to form a fabricated mercury-added product,including, but not limited to, electrical switches and lamps.
(2) "Department" means the department of environmentalmanagement.
(3) "Director" means the director of the department ofenvironmental management or any subordinate or subordinates to whom thedirector has delegated the powers and duties vested in him or her by thischapter.
(4) "Fabricated mercury-added product" means a product thatconsists of a combination of individual components that combine to make asingle unit, including, but not limited to, mercury-added measuring devices,lamps and switches to which mercury or a mercury compound is intentionallyadded in order to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality, orto perform a specific function or for any other reason.
(5) "Formulated mercury-added product" means a product thatincludes, but is not limited to, laboratory chemicals, cleaning products,cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and coating materials that are sold as a consistentmixture of chemicals to which mercury or a mercury compound is intentionallyadded in order to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality, orto perform a specific function or for any other reason.
(6) "Healthcare facility" means any hospital, nursing home,extended care facility, long-term care facility, clinical or medicallaboratory, state or private health or mental institution, clinic, physician'soffice or health maintenance organization.
(7) "Manufacturer" means any person, firm, association,partnership, corporation, governmental entity, organization, combination orjoint venture that produces a mercury-added product or an importer or domesticdistributor of a mercury-added product produced in a foreign country. In thecase of a multi-component mercury-added product, the manufacturer is the lastmanufacturer to produce or assemble the product. If the multi-component productis produced in a foreign country, the manufacturer is the importer or domesticdistributor.
(8) "Mercury-added button cell battery" means a button cellbattery to which the manufacturer intentionally introduces mercury for theoperation of the battery.
(9) "Mercury-added novelty" means a mercury-added productintended mainly for personal or household enjoyment or adornment. Mercury-addednovelties include, but are not limited to, items intended for use as figurines,adornments, toys, games, cards, ornaments, yard statues and figures, candles,jewelry, holiday decorations, items of apparel (including footwear), or similarproducts.
(10) "Mercury-added product" means a product, commodity,chemical or a product with a component that contains mercury or a mercurycompound intentionally added to the product, commodity, chemical or componentin order to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality, or toperform a specific function or for any other reason. These products includeformulated mercury-added products and fabricated mercury-added products.
(11) "Mercury fever thermometer" means a mercury-addedproduct that is used for measuring body temperature.