§ 23-24.6-13 - State inspectors.
SECTION 23-24.6-13
§ 23-24.6-13 State inspectors. (a) The director, or his or her designee, or any state inspector is authorizedto inspect during business hours, or by appointment at another time agreed toby the inspector and the owner, occupant, or other person in charge of adwelling, dwelling unit, or premises:
(1) Any dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises for the purposeof conducting a comprehensive environmental lead inspection, or otherinspection, as part of the treatment and follow up for a child identified asbeing lead poisoned;
(2) Any structure or premises that is used as a preschool,day care facility, nursery school, public or private elementary school orschoolyard, public playground, or foster home or shelter serving children underthe age of six (6) years for the purpose of conducting a comprehensiveenvironmental lead inspection, or other inspection;
(3) Any dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises for the purposeof conducting a comprehensive environmental lead inspection, or otherinspection, in response to any complaint to the department by an occupant orthe parent or guardian of any minor who is an occupant renting or leasing thedwelling, dwelling unit, or premises of the existence of a lead exposure hazardfor a child under the age of six (6) years residing in that dwelling, dwellingunit, or premises; or
(4) Any dwelling, dwelling unit, structure, or premisesidentified in subsection (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section which isundergoing a lead hazard reduction or a regulated renovation or rehabilitationat a reasonable time, without prior notice, as part of an enforcementinspection.
(b) The owner, occupant, or other person in charge of adwelling, dwelling unit, or premises shall, upon presentation of properidentification by the state inspector, for the limited purpose of inspectionfor lead, grant the inspector entry and free access to every part of thedwelling, dwelling unit, or premises where lead may pose a hazard to the healthand safety of children under the age of six (6) years. If any owner, occupant,or other person in charge of a dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises fails orrefuses to permit this access and entry to the structure or premises under hisor her control or any part of it, the state inspector may, upon a showing thatprobable cause exists for the inspection and for the issuance of a court orderdirecting compliance with the inspection requirements of this section, petitionand obtain an order from a court of competent jurisdiction. Any person refusingto comply with an order issued pursuant to this section shall be subject to anypenalties as may be authorized by law for violation of a court order.