§ 23-24.3-4 - Powers and duties of the director.
SECTION 23-24.3-4
§ 23-24.3-4 Powers and duties of thedirector. (a) The director shall have the authority to designate any sewerage systemcleaner a restricted chemical material if he or she shall after investigationdetermine that its usage as a sewerage system cleaner may render groundwaterunusable for drinking water purposes without physical, chemical, or biologicaltreatment or may have a dangerous, deleterious, or injurious effect on theenvironment or health and welfare of the citizens of this state.
(b) Prior to designating a sewerage system cleaner arestricted chemical material, the director shall:
(1) Provide written notification to the manufacturer ormanufacturers of the sewerage system cleaners of the director's intent to makethat designation;
(2) Hold a public hearing at which the manufacturer ormanufacturers of the sewerage system cleaner, the state of Rhode Island, andany other interested persons shall be given the right to be heard and presentevidence, if within twenty (20) days after receipt of the written notificationa manufacturer requests in writing a hearing; and
(3) Issue findings of fact based on the evidence presented atthe hearing or his or her investigation.
(c) The director shall have the authority to requiremanufacturers, distributors, or retailers of sewerage system cleaners sold oroffered for sale in this state to furnish to the director information regardingthe chemical composition of that sewerage system cleaner and the nature andextent of investigations and research performed by the manufacturer concerningthe effects of that sewerage system cleaner or groundwater systems. Amanufacturer, distributor, or retailer may comply with these requirements ofthe director by furnishing to the director copies of the information which areapplicable to the director's requirements and which have previously beensubmitted to federal or state agencies. The director shall keep confidentialany information obtained pursuant to this section when requested by amanufacturer that shows that the information, if made public, would divulgecompetitive business information, methods, or processes entitled to protectionas trade secrets.
(d) The director shall have the authority to issue orders toall persons engaged in the manufacture, distribution, or sale of seweragesystem cleaners to carry out the provisions of this chapter including, but notlimited to, ordering the recall of sewerage system cleaners being offered forsale in this state.
(e) The director shall have the authority to promulgateregulations to enforce the provisions of this chapter.