§ 23-24.10-5 - Disposal ban.
SECTION 23-24.10-5
§ 23-24.10-5 Disposal ban. (1) After January 31, 2009, no person shall dispose of any of the coveredelectronic products in a manner other than by recycling or disposal ashazardous waste.
(2) This ban on disposal shall apply to whole units ofcovered electronic products, as well as to the constituent subunits andmaterials from which the units are made.
(3) No solid waste landfill or transfer station regulatedpursuant to chapter 23-18.9 shall accept any covered electronic products forthe purposes of disposal after January 31, 2009. All solid waste landfills andtransfer stations regulated pursuant to chapter 23-18.9 shall establishprocedures to promote segregation of covered electronic products from the wastestream, shall document those procedures in the facility operating plan, andshall implement those procedures as part of the operation of the facility.