§ 23-24.10-2 - Findings.
SECTION 23-24.10-2
§ 23-24.10-2 Findings. (a) The general assembly finds televisions, computers and other electronics areomnipresent in modern society, and the number of obsolete, worn-out orotherwise used televisions, computers and other electronic products areincreasing;
(b) Used televisions and computers contain lead, mercury andother hazardous substances that pose a threat to human health and theenvironment if improperly disposed of at the end of their useful life;
(c) Cathode ray tubes are estimated to be the largest currentsource of lead in the state's municipal solid waste stream;
(d) Many flat-panel-display televisions, computer monitorsand laptop computers contain a mercury-containing lamp for backlightingpurposes;
(e) The reuse, repair and recycling of televisions andcomputers protect public health and the environment by reducing the potentialfor the release of heavy metals and mercury from landfills and municipal wastecombustors into the environment, provide jobs and business opportunities forstate residents, recover valuable components and materials, reduce energyconsumption, air and water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and conservevaluable landfill space;
(f) The state of Rhode Island has an interest in resourceconservation, waste minimization, landfill capacity management, pollutionprevention, job creation and recycling;
(g) The Rhode Island mercury reduction and educationcommission recommended that electronic waste be banned from disposal as solidwaste, be managed through recycling or as hazardous waste, and be handled in amanner consistent with products covered by the Mercury Reduction and EducationAct;
(h) The commission also recommended that a system of producerresponsibility for the collection and recycling of covered electronic devicesis the most effective and equitable means of keeping this toxic waste out oflandfills, alleviating the full financial and physical burden placed on thestate and municipal governments for handling e-waste, while also providing apowerful incentive for manufacturers to reduce toxins and redesign products forrecycling; and
(i) The general assembly finds that the establishment of acomprehensive system to provide for the collection, reuse and recycling ofelectronic products in this state is consistent with its duty to protect thehealth, safety and welfare of its citizens, enhance and maintain the quality ofthe environment, conserve natural resources, prevent air, water and landpollution and stimulate economic growth.